Improving system Reliability

System Reliability

Critical eletrical systems, such as those for industrial plants typically require two sources, such that if one source fails, the loads on the failed bus can be transferred to the remaining, healthy source. The transfer can be performed manually, but the automatic transfers are preferred as power is quickly restored to the loads without any human intervention. ZinaVolt has designed, programmed and commissioned the following transfer schemes:

System testing and commissioning to improve system relability.
  • Main-Tie-Tie-Main automatic transfers for low to high voltage switchgears using IEC 61850
  • Main-Tie-Main automatic transfers for low to high voltage switchgears using Mirrored Bits
  • Main-Tie-Main-Tie-Main automatic transfers for all voltage levels
  • Main-Tie-Main automatic re-transfer schemes with an option for manual retransfers

Contact us to discuss your project specific needs.